Spectacular Arabic Letters Flashcards Pdf

Yellow red blue green pink orange brown turquoise purple grey white and black.
Arabic letters flashcards pdf. Fill the missing arabic letters. 11 x 11 in. Select six to ten pairs of the cards.
Browse arabic alphabet flashcards resources on Teachers Pay Teachers a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Reading And Writing Resources For Middle School. As in ant As in bad As in toy As in three As in joy As in hot but stronger As in Loch Ness or Spanish J in Juan As in dad As in the As in ride As in zebra As in see As in shake As in soya but with tongue touching upper teeth Name Pronunciation Final Medial Initial Isolated.
Alphabet Letter Crafts Arabic Alphabet Letters Arabic Alphabet For Kids Letters For Kids Best Toddler Books Letter Flashcards Free Activities For Kids Childcare Activities Learn Arabic Online. Arabic Alphabets Flash Cards. Print laminate and learn new vocabulary today.
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Start studying Arabic letters with harakat. These flash cards can also be used as a memory game or center activity games. Sep 27 2016 - Here youll find free printables where Ive used cliparts to make things useful for teachinglearning the Arabic language.
Download free printable Base colors flashcards for kids in arabic. Set the number of pages your child will complete in a day or do the practice for fifteen minutes only. Click here-My Store for more Arabic Resources including.